
2022 08 20感恩活動分享之一 72c6a


我們想要邀請來自不同世代,不同文化背景的朋友們,一起聆聽世界阿德勒學會理事長Dr. Marina Bluvshtein(楊瑞珠教授將協助口譯)為我們講解隸屬感如何是我們心理健康的最高指標,在充滿失落痛苦的人生中如何維持我們信、望、愛的勇氣。




About this event

When: 8/20/2022 (台灣時間: 星期六早8-11 am,美國 Central Time: Friday 7-10 p.m.

What: Belongingness in Adlerian Psychology: History, Theory, and Practice (從阿德勒心理學看「隸屬感」:源起,理論和應用)

Adlerian theory regards “feeling of belongingness” as the heart of human personality, the logic of its development toward the common ideal, and the core prerequisite of social evolution. This lecture will introduce participants to Alfred Adler’s and Rudolf Dreikurs’ understanding of belongingness, its connection to other fundamental ideas, its role in an individual and communal health, and its use in organizational and human relations.

Who: Dr. Marina Bluvshtein , 世界阿德勒心理學會會長 (International Association of Individual Psychology),北美阿德勒心理學代言人(North American Society of Adlerian Psychology), 阿德勒大學芝加哥校區院長Dean, Adler University, Chicago

口譯:Dr. Julia Yang Blagen Founder of Taiwan Society of Adlerian Society 台灣阿德心理學會創會會長,Diplomate, North American Society of Adlerian Psychology 北美阿德勒心理學代言人.

How: Zoom (連結在活動開始前48送出) Link to be sent 48 hours prior to the event). Seminar will be delivered in English with Chinese translation.

This event is FREE to those who have the courage to move towards the ideal of healthy social living.

丹佛阿德勒諮詢學院 敬邀( p.s. Sponsored by Denver Institute of Adlerian Consultation, a sister site to Our Courage Workshop of Taiwan)

台灣阿德勒心理學會協辦,Co-sponsered by Taiwan Soceity of Adlrian Psychology


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